I've had a passing interest in art and painting for as long as I can remember, but I began learning to paint in 2008. My friend Richard Favaloro continues to help me with basic technique but also helps me form an identity as a painter, and for all that I am eternally grateful. I try to paint regularly, daily or weekly if I can, though sometimes it slips a bit due to other commitments and logistics. Most of my work has been acrylic on canvas, but I've also completed some watercolors and am working on some linoleum block prints and stencil "graffiti" pieces.
My Artwork
Home Page
welcome to PeterBrennan.com
"Mr. Palmer's Orchard" my take on four seasons.
(I grew up in apple country, surrounded by real orchards- these are pretty sparce by comparison).
"Bursting With Pride"
"Tumbling Triangles"
(untitled) - for my dining room
"Presidential Boxers" - Washington through Obama
(There is no end to what museums will collect)
Professional life and activism
Personal activism
Friends and family
Where we live
My life in the Thee-a-tah
My Artwork
Of historical interest
Cars and me: a love story
How 'bout them Red Sox?
That felt goooooood!
Email me!
© 2011-17 Peter J. Brennan, All Rights Reserved
My artwork became a form of activism when I created "I Know Karate" a series of graffiti pieces and sent them to President Obama, Vice President Biden, the House and Senate leadership, the Acting Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, about one hundred senators and members of Congress, and selected opinion leaders.
(Click here for a full explanation)