I know everybody says this but I really do have the best family and friends! I strive to make little distinction-- to treat my friends like family and my family like friends. There are a million things I could say about my four brothers-- Steve, Andy, my twin Greg, and Tom, but they'll have to build their own website for all that. I'm blessed to be so close to them and if our parents were still alive I know they would be proud of the men we've become. And there's that next generation coming up, Kate and Lara and Finn. I can't wait to watch them find their own pathways.

Then there is my whole extended family of strident aunts and uncles-true blue to the core and generous to a fault, every one of them. And my cousins the Wedows, Byrnes, Alicandris, Toners, Brennans, Shannons and Sherrys. What is it about that bond born of shared grandparents that makes it so enduring and comfortable, even though we don't see each other often?

Roy the toy cowboy has been my partner and best friend since 1977. We've been fortunate to be able to build a wonderful life together, to draw strength from each other and to keep each other engaged and amused. And I feel as close to Roy's family as I do my own-Tommy-Vito and Kathy, Nancy and Ralph and the next generation, Clair, Julia and that constant source of true pride and joy, young Simone.

I like to say I've been lucky to have been more or less adopted by three Italian families in my life. It's worked out well because I like to eat. There was Roy's family of course, the Puciatos. Roy's mother was very sweet to me when I was a struggling student. Before them, it was the DiMatteos in Hilton. Everyone seemed to congregate at their house when we were kids. Those friendships formed so long ago still remain strong-- Mike and Vikki, Guy and Wendy close, dear friends. . . and their sons and daughters, and their spouses and children, Guido and Kirsa, Tosca and Ryan, Anu and Tim, Adrian, Xandi and Ben, and young Jasmina-Rose, Tony and Sadie.

About twenty-five years ago I met the Tallaricos of Carmel, NY as a result of a singular act of generosity on their part. Nick and Mare welcomed Roy and me into their lives and I soon met their son John who later married Beth and are two of my closest friends. Their girls, Alessandra, Carina and Ariana are a joy to be around. Mare and Babo's whole family is great: Clare, Gina, Kate and Phil, and all their kids as well.
My friends and family
• Mike and Julie Short- Mike, an early friend from childhood and one of my heros still
• Penny Deaton- my fourth grade music teacher, a friend to this day
• Steve DeMott- a friend growing up, and he still is
• Nat Keller- another friend growing up and still- splendid wit and stubborn conscience
• Butch Ellingwood- the fifth brother I always wanted, exasperating but the real deal.
• Ted and Edie Schreppel- drama teachers, responsible for my interest in theatre
• Dave and Patty Quinn- Dave, a great friend and storyteller, Patty, his wonderful wife
• Joe Beckmann- friend since 1974- an early and ongoing influence
• Kristi DeCourcy- a dear friend from my younger days- I think of her fondly and often
• Steve Finn- he sold me a ticket to Godspell in 1974 and we've been friends ever since
• Christopher Kennedy- my dear, sweet, talented friend.
• Bob Foley- bright and imaginative, a friend since the mid-seventies
• Donny Everett- a true hero, with an iron fist and a heart of gold
• Pete and Catherine Walkes- the most gracious hosts and wonderful traveling companions
• Rod and Barb Collins- friends from the Cape and the country, warm and easy to be with
• Laura Williams- No one makes me laugh as much!
• Michael and Joyce Speigel- easy-going and fun to be with
• Bob Sann and Fran Sears- conscience, perseverance and grace under pressure
• Bob Dias- a great friend and kindred spirit. I always wanted to be his second twin
• Ron Hunter- a talented and generous actor and a committed activist and humanitarian
• Albe Angel- an occasional business partner and confidant
• Stephen Mindich and Maria Lopez- scrappy sometimes, but with great integrity
• Terry McGinty- conscience-bound lawyer, activist and friend
• Bill Alessi and Richard Coit- classy, generous, soulful, and creative, I treasure their friendship
• Alan and Beverly Orlove- gracious hosts, fun traveling partners and great confidants
• Lloyd Schwartz and David Stang- twenty years of showtunes and salad together
• Paul Twitchell- dear friend, a marketing wizard with a geat sense of humor
• David Dinnage and Leah Higgenbotham- musical and fun, wonderful entertainers in every way
• Matt and Ginger Datillo- Matt's seen me at my best and worst, Ginger his lovely bride
• Antonio Mota and Felicia Verry- sweet and smart, great fun to be with
• Nelson Weisberg- an occasional business partner and trusted friend and advisor
• Ed Cleaves- warm, funny, thoughtful- a true friend
• Dan and Daniela O'Neill- both are bright, enthusiastic and easy to be with
• Joe Antoun- a great easy-going pal, shared interests include theatre and baseball
• Joe D.- ticket monger, with patience well beyond the call of duty
• Sue and Paul Kilrain- here's to a thousand more nights in the audience together
• Derek Cavanaugh- loyal, generous and true blue
• George Sauer- among the most whacked out playwrights ever produced, thankfully
• Rick Colburne- bright and funny, always with a ready smile and an easy laugh
• Gigs and Michael- Gigs, dear friend, a wonderfully precocious child trapped in a man's body
• Joe Flynn- talented artisan and Red Sox share buddy, perfectly calm in any crisis
• Rich and Mike Favaloro- if I were to have sons, I'd want these twins
These are more of my friends:
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Cars and me: a love story
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© 2011-17 Peter J. Brennan, All Rights Reserved
These are some more of my friends: