I established this site because I felt the need to exert more control over the use and interpretation of my personal data. It isn't as if I have much to hide or much that would be of interest to those who collect, parse and resell personal data, but that collection and reinterpretation of my information for profit offends my sense of personal dignity.

Like it or not, we live in an age where privacy and discretion are undervalued and where meaningless detail substitutes for intimacy. By linking my social networking profiles to this site I can explain myself in greater detail to anyone who cares without sacrificing my privacy. I can still enjoy the benefits of access to old friends and community that the social networking phenomenon promises.

Plato said the unexamined life is not worth living, and I guess he was right. Embarking on the development of this website has given me the chance to examine many facets of my life and interests and try and put them in some perspective. I hope I've struck a useful balance between self-indulgence and shallowness. Email me and let me know what you think!

That felt gooooood!
Home Page
welcome to PeterBrennan.com
Professional life and activism
Personal activism
Friends and family
Where we live
My life in the Thee-a-tah
My Artwork
Of historical interest
Cars and me: a love story
How 'bout them Red Sox?
That felt goooooood!
Email me!
© 2011-17 Peter J. Brennan, All Rights Reserved